About the Role

Embark on an exhilarating journey as a key player in our newly formed AI Research & Development (R&D) team. This is not just another software engineering position; it's a gateway to pioneering the future of AI-driven technologies. Use your artificial intelligence expertise and versatility to innovate and broaden our products. You will be working as a true expert in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, as excited about exploring uncharted technology territories as we are.

In this role, your breadth of skills is your toolkit for tackling a variety of R&D projects aimed at integrating AI and Machine Learning into our products and services. Code diversity is key for us. You will create solutions to complex problems and intelligent solutions in our suite of products. Join us, where your curiosity and drive to innovate find a perfect home. Together, we'll explore the untapped potential of AI, shaping the future of technology with every project we undertake.


We are flexible on remote working from home if you are located in the USA and in one of the following states: TX, FL, CA, NC, GA, CT, ME, KS, CO, NJ, or VA. We have physical offices in Austin, TX, and Tampa, FL, if you prefer a hybrid option.

We hire the best software engineers, but experience in our stack can’t hurt: our technology is built on Java, Kotlin, C++, and Postgres, supporting millions of user endpoints and running as a scalable cloud service in AWS. Knowing large-scale datastore bottlenecks, asynchronous application design, and client-server architecture will help you stand out.

What You’ll be Doing

  • Subject Matter Expert (SME) for our Artificial Intelligence R&D initiatives: Lead from conceptualization to development and implementation, pushing the boundaries of AI technology. Promote ahead-of-the-curve AI trends and technologies, bringing fresh ideas and perspectives to the team. Leverage your experience and knowledge to build new solutions.
  • Product Development: Collaborate closely across our teams to explore innovative applications of AI and Machine Learning. Contribute to the evolution of our products across all AI & ML aspects. Embrace the challenge of fast-paced R&D cycles, focusing on rapid prototyping and iterative development, to test and refine AI-driven solutions.
  • Create Proof of Concepts: Experiment with and apply various AI frameworks and Machine Learning models to real-world scenarios, driving forward our mission to harness the power of AI.
  • Other duties as needed.

About You

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Information Technology, or another relevant technical discipline. Additional experience will be considered in lieu of a degree when applicable.
  • Minimum of 8+ years of SaaS software development experience in a C language.
  • Knowledge of software development languages preferred. While expertise in any specific programming language (like C++ or Python) is valuable, your ability to adapt and thrive in diverse technical environments is crucial.
  • You are a seasoned Artificial Intelligence engineer diving into the development of data models, bot creation, root behavior data analysis, search functions, and new technologies and domains.
  • Familiarity with AI frameworks such as TensorFlow, PyTorch, and machine learning models is a requirement.
  • A problem-solver at heart, you have a creative mindset and the analytical skills to tackle complex challenges and innovate within the realm of AI.
  • Passionate about continuous learning and growth, always on the lookout for opportunities to expand your knowledge and expertise in AI and beyond.

What You’ll Love

  • We are a collaborative, kind, and curious community.
  • We honor your flexibility needs with full-time work that is remote.
  • We have you covered with our comprehensive benefits package, which includes medical, dental, and vision insurance.
  • We help you prepare for your financial future with our 401(k) plan.
  • We prioritize your work-life balance with our unlimited PTO.
  • We reward your work with opportunities for growth and advancement.

Additional Information

This position is NOT eligible for Visa sponsorship.

Starting pay for the successful applicant depends on a variety of job-related factors, including but not limited to location, market demands, experience, job-related knowledge, and skills. The benefits available for this position include medical, dental, vision, 401(k) plan, life insurance coverage, and PTO. For California-based roles, the base salary hiring range for this position is $150,000 to $350,000 per year.


